
Less wrinkles and aging

Less wrinkles and aging

Did you know that sugar can age you?  Yes, aging is part of growing older. But it's accelerated by sugar. When excess sugar in your blood attaches to the collagen in your skin, wrinkles begin to appear. In addition to wrinkles, too much sugar in your diet can also...

Why Electrolytes?

Why Electrolytes?

My daughter asked me what electrolytes are, as she was drinking a water that contains vitamins and electrolytes. I feel like there is so much focus on the essential vitamins we need on a daily basis and not enough on the necessary electrolytes (essential minerals)....

No more craving junk!

No more craving junk!

Did you know that your body has a built-in survival mechanism that says, "Feed me what's good, and you'll develop a taste for it?" I swear that I was a rabbit in a previous life, because I crave lettuce and salads!  I have been this way since I was a kid. I am...

Lean = Longevity

Lean = Longevity

Lean and longevity go together. The older we get, the more serious the health consequences of excess body fat become. This is why being lean is so important for longevity. Lean does not mean skinny, which can imply not having enough body fat. What it really means is...

Spinach, eggs and other brain boosting foods

Spinach, eggs and other brain boosting foods

Just as berries such, as blueberries, raspberries and blackberries, are great for fighting memory loss, so are foods like spinach and eggs. Spinach is another great food to combat memory loss since it is filled with vitamins like folate and vitamins E and K. Mix some...

Spice Up Your Life

Spice Up Your Life

When it comes to spicy foods, I am not a fan. However, spices not only add flavor to our meals, but they also offer various health benefits!  And there are many healthy spices you can enjoy that do not burn your mouth. (WIN!)  Every spice has its own unique benefits....

Healthy Snacking

Healthy Snacking

Whether you tend to stay up late at night and get a little hungry before you to go to bed, or you just want to make the right choices when you are snacking between meals during the workday, there are so many delicious snack options out there! Here are some healthy...

Sweet Potatoes are Underrated

Sweet Potatoes are Underrated

Sweet potatoes are known to taste sweet and delicious. But, did you know that these complex starches are also packed full of amazing health benefits? These benefits include: Great source of fiber, vitamins and minerals, and rich in antioxidants They promote gut health...

Strength training in your exercise routine

Strength training in your exercise routine

The best way to lose excess body fat is to gain more muscle. Muscle tissue is your body's main calorie burner. Because muscles metabolize calories at a higher rate, a pound of muscle burns three times more calories than a pound of fat. When you build muscle, you burn...

Eat More Broccoli

Eat More Broccoli

I feel very fortunate that I LOVE Broccoli - so much that I actually crave it. In order for my daughter to and husband to eat it, however, it must be covered with cheese. Whatever you need to do to get yourself to eat Broccoli on a regular basis, do it! Broccoli is...