Refined vs Whole Grain

Refined vs Whole Grain

Have you ever wondered why white bread is so popular at restaurants and grocery stores?  Yes, it is true that a lot of consumers (especially kids) love the way white bread tastes. However, the biggest reason is shelf life. Refined grains have undergone a refining...
Sugar and Alzheimer’s disease

Sugar and Alzheimer’s disease

When you eat like a typical teenager, excess sugar in your blood attaches to proteins, changing their structure and making them stiff and sticky. This sludge in the tissues of your body prevents healthy growth and repair of new tissues.   Alzheimer’s...
Just Say NO to too much Sugar

Just Say NO to too much Sugar

Have a sweet tooth?  Enjoying a dessert or sweet treat every now and then is a normal thing to do in this life!  Life is too short not to. However, too much sweet stuff in your diet cause too much sticky stuff in your blood. High blood sugar and high insulin...
Smart shopping

Smart shopping

I can completely understand how people sometimes hesitate to buy healthy foods because they are more costly. It’s not always cheap to be healthy. However, in the long run, you will be saving money that would otherwise be spent at the doctor’s office....
Tips for Eating like Centenarians

Tips for Eating like Centenarians

Here are some recommended cooking tips to stay healthier, live longer and feel better: Use fewer ingredients. Add cruciferous vegetables, such as broccoli, cabbage and cauliflower. Use more beans and less meat (beans, nuts and grains are a healthier source of protein...