Strength training in your exercise routine

Strength training in your exercise routine

The best way to lose excess body fat is to gain more muscle. Muscle tissue is your body’s main calorie burner. Because muscles metabolize calories at a higher rate, a pound of muscle burns three times more calories than a pound of fat. When you build muscle, you...
Anytime, Anywhere Exercises

Anytime, Anywhere Exercises

Little movements throughout the day can help you stay fit. Imagine, just 10 minutes a day of stretching, gripping and flexing could translate into 5 lbs less of fat gain per year and the difference between flabby and fir muscles! Here are some simple exercises you can...

Meditation for stress

Stress management is a key health secret of centenarians. (Chronic unresolved stress prematurely ages every vital organ.) When it comes to stress, I am truly a believer in meditation as a remedy. I have been meditating for over a year now, and it has truly helped me...