
Why Smoothies Are Smart

Why Smoothies Are Smart

Did you know that by having this simple sipping solution of a smoothie just one day a week, you can ease your gut into a better way of eating? Smoothies slide through your intestines, which reduces the amount of work the intestines have to do. More of the nutrients...

Those who eat better live better: Superfoods

To qualify as a superfood, a food must: be nutrient dense (most nutrition for the calories) contain nutrients with proven benefits be nature made rather than factory made taste good and be satisfying contain no ingredients that are harmful to health Examples: Seafood,...

Stick to right carbs, not low carbs

Over the centuries, we've shifted from a diet rich in fresh fruits, vegetables, sea food and wild (lean) animal protein to a diet of packaged foods, refined carbohydrates and caged (fat) animals. A common misconception is that the fewer carbs you eat, the lower your...

Eat Breakfast

A nutritious breakfast is so important for your heart and your mind. It improves your energy levels and ability to concentrate in the short term, and can help with better weight management, reduced risk of type 2 diabetes and heart disease in the long term. It also...

Secrets of Centenarians

Secrets of Centenarians

  What are the health secrets of the people who live, and live healthily, until one hundred years old? Here are just some of the longevity-boosting habits that most centenarians have in common: 1) They Move. Their joints don't have a chance to get stiff or their...

Why exercise?

Exercise isn't just for people who want to burn calories and lose weight. Exercise is necessary for anyone who wants to live a long, healthy life. Think as movement as the best medicine you'll ever take and one that has only pleasant side effects and long-term...

Fountain of youth

Did you know that your "fountain of youth" is actually located in your blood vessels? The lining of the blood vessels - the endothelium - is your body's largest internal medicine pharmacy. Your endothelial pharmacy dispenses dozens of medicines that regulate: blood...

Meditation for stress

Stress management is a key health secret of centenarians. (Chronic unresolved stress prematurely ages every vital organ.) When it comes to stress, I am truly a believer in meditation as a remedy. I have been meditating for over a year now, and it has truly helped me...

The “Rule of Twos” for healthy eating

Eating right for Gut Health means: Eat twice as often Eat half as much Chew twice as long   When you eat more often, and in smaller amounts (mini meals), you won't feel super hungry (starvation mode) or uncomfortably full.  Also, slowing down and taking time to...

Brain food

Brain food

Did you know: Omega-3s are to the brain what Calcium is to the bone. Eat fish, such as wild salmon, and reduce your risk of Alzheimer's disease! Blueberries also have been shown to improve memory and reduce age-related cognitive decline.